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How do I sign a consent on Kundelik website for my child to receive 100 bonus points for every excellent grade?
For parents:
1. Sign in to Кунделік website (enter login /password);
2. Click on the Bank's ad /press Halyk button;
3. Enter your data and data of your child;
4. Sign the consent and have it confirmed.
Should I re-issue consent if my child participated in promotion last school year?
No re-issue is required. Your child will continue earning bonuses according to the grades received.
Many parents are unable to give consent because they do not have logins or passwords to access Kundelik website, what should they do?
Kundelik logins and passwords are provided by the school itself; you should contact your class teacher or call Kundelik Contact Center at +7 727 313 18 32, or send a request to the technical support at: to clarify the issue of logging in to Kundelik website.
Can one parent sign a consent to transfer grades if child's card was opened by other parent?
Consent to transfer grades can be signed by any of the parents regardless of who opened the card for child.
On the website of Kundelik /Bank, my child has the status "Halyk card is available, the consent is signed". My child gets excellent grades, but does not receive bonuses. Why?
This may happen if there is more than 1 student in the family and parents have entered the data for another child when submitting their consent for transfer of grades via Kundelik website.
In such cases, you should contact the Bank to show Kundelik status and Halyk application of the child to make appropriate adjustments for your child.
How and where can I check whether I have provided my consent for the transfer of grades or not?
To check if there is consent to the transfer of grades:
1. NEW! Parents can check the consent in their Halyk app: ‘Home’ → ‘Accounts’ → select the child's card. If a consent is available, the following information will be displayed to the customer: Consent to transfer grades has been issued;
2. On the Bank's lending page if you have given your consent for transfer of grades today, you can check it by your child's IIN on the next day;
3. On Kundelik website, click on the Bank's ad and see the status "Halyk card is available, consent is signed.