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Halyk Info
Debit cards
Debit cards
ТОП 10 вопросов
Halyk Bonus
Виртуальная карта
Special benefits card
Цифровая карта Halyk Bonus Digital
Sinooil Digital card
Продление срока действия карт для массового сегмента
Карта для детей и подростков Halyk Easy
Credit cards
Credit cards
ТОП 10 вопросов
My Card
American Express Blue
American Express Gold
American Express Platinum
American Express White
MC/VISA Infinite
MasterCard Black Premium
В Technodom
В Sulpak
В Alser
В Evrika
Во FlyArystan
В AirAstana
В Viled
В Halyk Travel
В Airba
How to get bonuses?
(1 bonus point = KZT 1)

Make payments:
• Earn up to 1%* bonus for purchases made via Halyk POS terminals (via QR, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay)

Follow our increased bonus promotions on the bank's web-site and in Halyk app

*Special features and exceptions to bonus awarding are applied
Исключения по начислению бонусов
За какие платежи в Halyk начисляются бонусы?
From 02.11.2023 the accrual of bonuses for payments in the Halyk application is suspended, but you can spend them in Halyk:
• Pay for mobile communications, utilities, transport and other services with accumulated bonuses
Исключения по начислению бонусов
За какие платежи не начисляются Бонусы?
• all payments made in Halyk app from 02.11.2023
• cash withdrawal, including ATM withdrawals
• any transfer transactions
• payments for insurance services, except for payments for insurance services of Halyk Insurance Company Subsidiary of Halyk Bank JSC
• deposit replenishment/withdrawal
• rental payments, when repaying obligations to the state
• loans, microcredits, repayment of debts on obligations to the Bank, other banks and organizations engaged in certain types of banking operations and microfinance activities
• payment of taxes and fines
• replenishment of e-wallets
• payments and purchases on websites and via POS terminals of casinos, online casinos, betting companies, sweepstakes, lotteries, online gambling, pawnshops
• payment with bonuses
• payments with prepaid payment cards
• payments with corporate payment cards
• payments with payment cards issued to current special accounts
• customs payments
• bonus is not awarded under Halyk Installment Plan program
• payments for foreign transactions, including payments on foreign websites
For all exceptions, click the link below.

Исключения по начислению бонусов
Что делать, если бонусы не начислены?
In some cases bonuses are not awarded according to the terms and conditions of Halyk loyalty program. It is necessary to read Bonus Club Rules for Individuals or the terms and conditions of the Promotion on the official website of the Bank, or the exceptions to the awarding of a fixed bonus from the Bank.
If necessary, the customer can send their request to email:

Исключения по начислению бонусов
Правила бонусного клуба для физических лиц
Какой максимальный лимит бонусов можно получить от партнера Halyk Club?
Bonus limit from the majority of Halyk Club Partners – none, except for Halyk Club Partners who have set the maximum bonus limit within the framework of the agreement with the Bank.
Terms and conditions of partners’ bonuses are available on the website and in the “Partners” section of Halyk app.