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3D Secure

3D Secure/SecureCode - Extra Security Step


secure transfers to a mobile phone
secure transfers to a mobile phone
secure online purchases and payments
secure online purchases and payments
instant setup
instant setup

3D Secure/Secure Code is an additional cardholder identification technology that involves the use of a secret password for an online card transaction for reducing the risk of unauthorized card transactions and ensuring security of card transactions in the Internet.

3D Secure/SecureCode is used for protecting online payments and transfers by phone number to the card of any Kazakh bank. Currently, a dynamic 3D Secure/Secure Code is used, which is generated by the Bank and sent by SMS message when making each online transaction.

When making online purchases/payments or transfers by phone number to the card of any Kazakh bank, you will be asked to additionally confirm the transaction using dynamic 3D Secure password and the code from an SMS.