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What does it mean that the access is restricted?
It means that to ensure the security of your data, we have restricted access to certain features in an application on devices where the operating system has been modified (for example, devices with root access or an unofficial operating system) - аn unofficial operating system or programs are installed to bypass system protection (root access on Android devices or Jailbreak on IOS devices).
What is the phone's operating system?
The phone operating system is the software that controls how your phone works. It controls how apps launch and run, manages resources (like battery and processor), and provides interaction between you and your phone through the user interface. For example, Android (Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, Redmi) and iOS (IPhone) are two well-known operating systems for phones.
How can I tell if my operating system is unofficial?
Official operating systems are usually provided by device manufacturers through their own update channels. Some unofficial operating systems may contain changes to application icons, buttons, and other elements, or add features not found in official versions. If you notice such changes or if you don't receive official updates to your phone automatically, your operating system is probably unofficial.If you bought a phone secondhand or in an unofficial store, there is a risk that the phone’s operating system is unofficial.
What should I do if my operating system is unofficial?
If you are not sure whether your operating system is official or unofficial, it is recommended to contact your device manufacturer or service center specialist for more information.
What is "system protection bypass" ?
On devices with the Android operating system: root access gives full control over the operating system and its functions, attackers can use it to gain unauthorized access
to protected data in the application (personal or financial data)

On Apple devices: Jailbreak is the process of bypassing the restrictions and security of the iOS operating system. This may increase the security risk and reduce the stability of the device.