Convert the accumulated Halyk bonuses to Sulpak bonuses
You can use bonuses to pay for many services, and now you can also pay for the desired equipment. It’s easy: convert the accumulated Halyk bonuses to Sulpak bonuses and use them to pay for your purchases in full or in part. And what is more, for every converted bonus you get +10% additional bonuses
How to exchange Halyk bonuses to Sulpak bonuses:
- Register on the website
- Click on “Convert Go! Bonuses” in My Account on Sulpak’s website
- Enter the available amount of bonuses and click “Convert”
Done! You’ve earned +10% additional bonuses
Bonus converting terms:
- When registering on Sulpak website you need to specify your phone number registered with Halyk
- After converting the bank bonuses into Sulpak bonuses, you accept the terms and conditions of Sulpak’s Partner Loyalty Program
- You can use your Sulpak partner bonuses to pay up to 100% of the cost of your purchases
- Sulpak bonuses are valid for 60 days