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Use QPrint and APS services


guarantee of correct details
guarantee of correct details
archiving and uploading payments
archiving and uploading payments
connection fee
connection fee

How it works?

QPrint and APS is a special software on your computer.

Programs are generated by a QR code or barcode, which already contain all the necessary details for the payment document.

You can apply a QR or barcode to the payment document and then come with it to the Bank branch.

In the Bank branch, a QR or barcode is scanned in a few seconds, the payment document instantly gets into processing.

Documents with a QR or barcode will save your time spent in the Bank, eliminate errors and typos, and also help avoid fees for making payments.

Try it, it’s really easy, and connection is free.

QPrint or APS?

APS is a service that allows to apply two-dimensional barcodes to payment documents, this code contains all the information of your document

Connection is FREE 

This is a program and module for generating payment documents in national currency with a special QR code. These services are intended both for those who do not have a customized software or for those who have any software (for example, 1C Kazakhstan)

Connection is FREE