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Submit documents online with Halyk Courier service

Exchange credit documentation without visiting the bank


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Submit documents without leaving your home or office

With the Halyk Courier service, you can submit documents and apply for a SME loan without visiting the bank. If you are an active SME borrower, you can also submit documents to the bank for monitoring and changing conditions.

Submit documents to the bank just by signing with your digital signature.

The service will deliver documents to the bank quickly and safely.

You will also get access to the submitted documents and keep track of the application status online.

You can choose from two submit options:

1) Application for a loan

To do this, you need to submit to the bank the short list of documents that you will find by going to this service in Onlinebank.

2) Submission of documents to the bank

The service is suitable for active borrowers who need to submit letters, monitoring documents, reports and other documents to the bank.

The service is available for customers connected to the Onlinebank Business version.

How it works:


Prepare documents and apply through Onlinebank Business


Halyk Courier will deliver your documents to the bank


Done! Your documents have been accepted