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Changes in stock market legislation

Dear Clients!

We hereby inform you that on January 17, 2025, amendments and additions to a number of regulatory acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan governing activities in the securities market will come into force, according to which the following list of financial instruments permitted for acquisition only by qualified investors who are individuals is established:

securities and (or) other financial instruments of organizations-non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, issued in accordance with the legislation of a foreign state and not included in the lists of securities traded on a stock exchange operating in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan or a foreign state;

  • shares and (or) units of investment funds of risk investment;
  • derivative securities and (or) other derivative financial instruments;
  • private placement bonds;
  • bonds without maturity;
  • investment bonds;
  • financial instruments, the terms of issue of which stipulate that the financial instruments are intended only for qualified investors and (or) are not intended for retail investors.

Thus, if you plan to buy the above instruments, from January 17, 2025 you must have the status of a qualified investor.