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On Amendments to the Accession Agreement on Payment Card Issuance and Servicing

Dear Customers,

We would like to notify you of the following amendments and additions:

The Accession Agreement on issue and service of payment card supplemented:

clause on providing customer's consent to the Bank and UnionPay International payment system for issuance and use of Token within the framework of payments made with use of QR code.

Token is means of identification of card number, which is transferred to the UnionPay International payment system in order to make payment using QR code.

2) the right of the Bank to close payment card in case of absence of money movement (incoming and/or outgoing payments and money transfers) on account for more than 12 (twelve) months.

2. The Accession Agreement on issue and service of prepaid payment card is supplemented with the Bank's right to request from customer to provide information and documents provided for the Bank's internal regulatory documents and procedures on legitimization (laundering) of income and anti-terrorist financing and (or) within the framework of fulfilment of requirements established by international economic sanctions.

Amendments to the Agreements come into effect from 15 January 2025.

In case of disagreement with amendments to the Agreement, you have the right to cancel the Agreement by submitting written application at the Bank's outlet.